छत्तीसगढ़ शासन ऊर्जा विभाग
मंत्रालय, महानदी भवन, अटल नगर, नवा रायपुर
Last Date to Apply:- 28/02/2025
उपरोक्तानुसार निर्धारित प्रारूप में आवेदन श्री मनोज कोशले, उप सचिव, छत्तीसगढ़ शासन, ऊर्जा विभाग, महानदी भवन, मंत्रालय, कक्ष क्रमांक ए. डी. 3 - सी - 19, नवा रायपुर 492002 के पते पर भेजा जावे जो 28 फरवरी 2025 तक आवश्य पहुंच जाना चाहिये। आवेदन पत्र ई - मेल पते cspgclmd@gmail.com पर भी प्रेषित की जा सकती है। अंतिम तारीख के पश्चात् प्राप्त आवेदनों पर विचार नहीं किया जायेगा ।
Advertisement for Managing Director in CSPGCL
(2) Compulsory Experience:-
- Minimum thirty years experience in a State or Central Power Utility, of which ten years experience should be in a power generation utility, as of 31st January 2025 and
- Two years or more of experience as a chief general manager, executive director, chief engineer, or a similar role is required.
- (a) Establishment of a power generation project; or
- (b) Operation/maintenance of power generation plant, of minimum 250 MW capacity.
(3) Desirable Experience:-
- Experience in strategic planning and designing of power projects of 500MW and above will be desirable.
- Experience in the implementation of R&M schemes for old power generation units will be desirable.
(4) Remuneration / Pay Scale:-
- The salary range for the position of Managing Director is Rs. 116900-223800/-, and it includes all perks that are available to an Executive Director of CG State Power Generation Company Limited, such as medical coverage, housing rent allowances, and dearness allowance.
- For a deputation appointment, the compensation will be equivalent to
- (a) His/her last pay is drawn along with perks and facilities of the parent organization; or
- (b) At the candidate's discretion, pay the compensation specified in subparagraph (i) above.
(iii) For Retired Candidates: Pay / remuneration will be equal to
(a) his or her most recent salary less any pension, plus any benefits and allowances the candidate received from the parent company, or
(b) Pay/remuneration mentioned in clause (i) above minus pension, at the option of the candidate.
(5) Code of Conduct:-
The managing director will be expected to uphold the highest standards of ethics and personal behaviour in addition to adhering to all organizational regulations. The procedure of separation may be initiated for any breach of these regulations, the Articles of Association, and/or the CG Civil Services (behaviour) Rules, 1965.
(ii) Chief General Manager/Chief Engineer/Executive Director working in Central Sector Power Utilities having requisite essential experience may submit an advance application directly and the application through the proper channel be forwarded separately. If selected, such a person will be appointed on deputation. His tenure will be governed by the Deputation Rules of the sponsoring CPSU.
(iii) Retired somebody having the necessary training and expertise. The Chhattisgarh Government (Contract Appointment) Rules 2012, as modified from time to time, would regulate the appointment of such a person.
(iv) The age of the applicant should be not more than 65 years as of 31.01.2025
(v) Application in prescribed format be submitted.
(10) Terms and Conditions:-
(i) Selection for the post of Managing Director shall be for 3 years or attaining the age of 65 years whichever is earlier.
(ii) The candidate and their kin should not be involved in any other business with a company or financially involved in any manner.
(iii) After the term as Managing Director is up, no pension will be given. (IV) The deadline for determining an applicant's eligibility (qualification) for the position is January 31, 2025.
(11) How to apply:-
(i) The application is to be submitted in hard copy in the prescribed application form at the address mentioned here under:-
(ii) Applicant may also E-mail their application to E-mail Id cspgclmd@gmail.com
(iii) The application deadline is February 28, 2025. Applications that are not complete will be summarily rejected and will not be evaluated.
(iv) The application form is available on the website of the company at www.cspgcl.co.in
(v) The words "Application for the post of Managing Director, CSPGCL" must be superscripted on the envelope.
(vi) Selected officers will be informed suitably by E-mail or post on the issuance of GoCG's appointment/deputation order and shall be given a maximum of one fortnight to accept or reject the position.
Useful Links
Official Website:- Click Here
Notification / Form:- Click Here
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